DONE is better than PERFECT
January 13, 2016
Question: What do I know about blogging?
Answer: Absolutely nothing!
But what I do know is that I’ve always been very intentional about making my life experience one of quality. My idea of a quality life involves providing significant value to those willing to receive. As an independent filmmaker entrepreneur (yes, that’s a thing) and chronic over thinker, I’ve decided to create a platform to share the “what works and what doesn’t” of my journey. At 26 years old, I’ve been extremely fortunate to have achieved some of the successes I used to dream about. But what’s just as important are the failures I’ve endured and the lessons I’ve learned from them. The nuggets of wisdom I’ve gathered along the way are useful, not only for independent filmmakers, but anyone interested in designing a life of his or her choosing. So despite not being well versed in today’s blogosphere, I invite you to share in this experience.
Also, I challenge you to get started today on whatever you think may fulfill you. Don’t worry so much about doing it right. What’s important is that you get it done! Besides, the learning is in the doing. The biggest difference between the “haves” and the “have nots” is that the former took action. Too often we’ll convince ourselves that we don’t know enough about something and should wait until we’re ready before getting started, eventually falling victim to the paralysis of analysis. The inconvenient truth is that nothing gets going until you do. If you want the results, you have to make the effort. Even if your first attempts fall short of stellar (and they often will), you then have a platform from which to learn and grow. As they say, “getting it done is better than getting it perfect.”